How to kube-API Server Works

  • User Interaction:
    • The user interacts with Kubernetes through the kubectl command-line interface.


$ kubectl get nodes                                                          
NAME           STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
k8s-master     Ready    control-plane   146d   v1.28.1
k8s-worker-1   Ready    worker          146d   v1.28.1
k8s-worker-2   Ready    <none>          47d    v1.28.1
  • Authentication and Validation:
    • The kube-API Server authenticates the user’s request and validates it to ensure compliance with Kubernetes API schemas and policies.
  • Data Retrieval from ETCD:
    • Upon validation, the kube-API Server retrieves data from the ETCD cluster, which acts as the persistent storage for Kubernetes cluster state.
  • Response to User:
    • The kube-API Server responds to the user with the requested information or performs the requested operation (e.g., creating a pod).
  • kube-Scheduler Assignment:
    • If a user request involves creating a pod without specifying a node, the kube-Scheduler monitors the API-Server for new pod requests.
    • It then assigns the appropriate node for the pod to run on based on scheduling policies.
  • Communication with Kubelet:
    • The kube-API Server updates the ETCD cluster with information about the newly created pod and its assigned node.
    • It then communicates this information to the kubelet running on the appropriate worker node.
  • POD Creation by Kubelet:
    • The kubelet on the worker node receives instructions to create the pod.
    • It interacts with the container runtime engine (e.g., Docker) to deploy the application image and create the pod.
  • Status Update:
    • Once the pod is created and running, the kubelet updates the pod’s status in the ETCD cluster via the kube-API Server.
  • Continuous Process:
    • This workflow repeats for every user request or cluster state change, ensuring consistency and proper management of the Kubernetes cluster.

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